
Thursday 18 April 2013

Types of Coelom

A true coelom is lined on all sides by mesoderm which gives rise to muscles that surround the gut aas well as underlying the body wall. This allows more efficient digestion because food can be pushed through the digestive tract by muscles.

True  Coelom :- 

Schizocoeloms are found in animals known as Protostomates.

Enterocoeloms are found in animals known as Deuterostomates.

Protostomia :-

Cleavage is spiral. In spiral cleavage the first two divisions of the egg are equal, but the rest are unequal. These results into some small and some large cells, as it can be seen. The blastopore forms the mouth. The body cavity is formed by Schizocoely- Schicoely means that the body cavity is formed from blocks of mesoderm around the gut that enlarge and hollow out. The end result is a pair of coelomic cavities. Cleavage is determinate. This means that the fate of each individual cell is already established when it is formed. Each cell can only develop into a specific cell type.

Deuterostoma :-

Cleavage is radial- Each cell division is equal and result in cells of all the same size. The blastopore does not form the mouth, it usually forms the anus. The body cavity is formed by enterocoely. Enterocoely is the formation of the body cavity by out pocketing of the primitive gut that break off and form the coelom. Cleavage is indeterminate. This means that the fate of each individual cell is not determined when it is formed and each cell can form one of many cell types. There are cavities , coeloms. that form and lie both outside (extraembryonic) and inside (intra-embryonic) the embryo during development. The intra-embryonic coelom is the cavity that lies within the developing embryo that will form the 3 major body cavities : Pericardial, Pleural. Peritoneal. The coelom forms very early in embryogenesis and is much later partitioned inferiorly by the diaphragm and pleura-peritoneal membrane ; and superiorly initially by the pleuro-pericardial fold between the heart and lungs. The intraembryonic coelom communicated through coelomic portals (at the level of midgut herniation) with the extraembryonic coelom. All cavities are fluid filled and developing organs push against a wall of the cavity, generating a double coat (serosal/adventital) surrounding an organ (for example the lungs). The serous membrane is the epithelium (squamous) and its associated underlying loose connective tissue.

Protostomes  Vs  Deuterostomes :-

In echinoderms and chordates, for example, the anus forms first, and then the mouth. In animals belonging to several other important phyla, on the other hand, such as arthropodes, annelids and molluscs, the mouth forms first, followed by the anus. For this reason arthropods, annelids and molluscs are sometimes called Protostomes (Greek : proto = the first ; stoma = mouth ). It is also possible to take an most echinoderm or chrodate embryos at the 2-cell or 4-cell stage of development, separate the cells, and still have each cell continue on to develop into a complete, variable organism. This is not possible with protostome embryos. If they are separated at this stage, the cells will not develop into complete, viable organisms. For this reason, protostomes are said to display determinate cleavage, and deuterostomes are said to have indeterminate cleavage. You will be introduced in lecture and in subsequent laboratory exercises to other important developmental characteristics that distinguish protostomes from deuterostomes.

Advantage of a coelom :- 

(i) The hydrostatic skeleton a fluid body cavity provides a more rigid structure than mesoderm for muscles to pull against and thus be a more efficient skeletal support system.

(ii) Circulatory system : absorbed nutrients can be circulated around the body and metabolic wastes can be carried to the body surface more efficiently by fluid than by solid mesoderm.

Result- Faster locomotion and larger body size possible.

Advantage  of Pseudocoelom :- 

In evolution, the pseudocoelom is a blatocoel (the space in the blastula) that is retained to adulthood. In addition to having a body cavity, organisms with pseudocoeloms also have a complete digestive tract separate opening for food to enter and undigested material to leave. This makes digestion and feeding more efficient because the animal can eat before it has finished digesting its previous meal. Organisms that have pseudocoeloms are not a monophyletic group (in other words, the pseudocoelom is a homoplasious character that occured more than once).

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